History of KENBO

Kenbo has held the license of Technology and Trademark for Wasaouro anti-mold product since 1992. Wasaouro has been used in the food industry in Japan for many years and has had an excellent effect in preserving freshness of food. Kenbo is the sole agency of Mitsubishi Chemical Foods Corporation to sell Wasaouro products to industry fields worldwide.


Kenbo Functionary Food Corp. is founded on September 2006.


Wasaouro Cassette Wasaouro Cassette has a powerful mold prevention and insecticidal effect by placing it on the showcase or display shelf in the food area for extending shelf life. Kenbo has imported Wasaouro Cassette from Mitsubishi Chemical Foods Corp. and sold it for use in bakery departments.


Kenbo is a sales agency of Nagaoka Company, Limited, which manufactures food flavors and fragrances in Japan. The products are exported to Taiwan and China to supply the fields of beverage, cake, candy and cosmetics applications.


Kenbo has imported edible gold film for food or beverage decoration in different festivals from Japan's Tsukioka Film Pharma Co., Ltd. They are very famous in manufacturing the edible gold leaf "Kinkirara" and have received the 19th International Food Beverage Award.


Kenbo has imported red wine from France's Chateau Neuf De Gadagne and sold it in Taiwan market. Consumers are able to enjoy the red wine with aristocratic label at very competitive and reasonable prices.


Kenbo Functionary Food Corp. is transferred Wasaouro business from Chifa Auto Products Corp. and operated all of Wasaouro business on May 1, 2018.